A Holiday Finish

The Fourth of July has come and gone.  A holiday usually associated with fireworks, picnics, concerts, and family reunions.  When I lived in a small town everyone would come out for all the emergency vehicles parading down the main street with high school bands right behind them.  Today it’s trying to convince the dogs that the world isn’t coming to an end.

I’m ready to bring out the brass band and march in my own parade.  Last year I bought these adorable juvenile prints with bears and bees and an occasional honey pot.  I stewed over what to do with it for quite a while.  Of course, I worked on other things in the meantime, but every time I looked through my stash, they taunted me.  I also bought a few more of the Darling Little Dickens line that had bunnies and carrots which I made into a baby quilt a few months ago.

While trying to figure out what to do, I thought of the wonky way to cut a nine patch block.  Instead of making nine equal squares from a ten-inch block, you slant the ruler four times around the block.  This morning I finished hand sewing the last of the binding.

Two days before, I finished binding another quilt.  There were plans to use up all my yellow stash pieces but somehow that inspiration went by the wayside and I ordered some layer cake squares to make a starburst design.  My stash was lightened a little for the pieced back.  Another project I wanted to try can be crossed off my list.

The other project I’m going to cross off my list is a waxed canvas shoulder bag.  I’ve had to stop and start so many times for one reason or another.  Some for design considerations and some waiting on hardware.

There’s so much satisfaction in getting a project done; finishing what you started out to do.  It gives you the freedom to create something new.  Angela Walters says something like finishing is better than perfect.  I’m striving to do both.

While the United States counted its 242nd birthday, I celebrated . . . hmm, maybe at least that many finished projects.